[RBS] Calling All Bikers: Join the Club and get free stuff

[RBS] Calling All Bikers: Join the Club and get free stuff

chaim Wizman chaimwizman2002 at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 6 20:01:51 IDT 2010

It doesn't get any better than this.  Al Derech Burma is forming and sponsoring a fantastic riding club for riders of all levels right here in Bet Shemesh.  Join the Club for free and get the following benefits:
1) Beautiful sublimated riding jersey
2) Guided rides and instruction every week
3) Substantial discounts on every product in the store
4) Free periodic mechanical adjustments to your bike
5) Discounts and freebees in our Cafe
What's the catch?  There is none.  We want you to think of Al Derech Burma as your athletic home base and help make our area a vibrant center of athletic activity.  
For more information, email us at alderechburma at gmail.com 

Best Regards,

Chaim Wizman
Al Derech Burma
Mobile: 054-351-8009

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