[RBS] Kehillat Ahavat Tzion- Lecture on 'Sibling Rivalry'

[RBS] Kehillat Ahavat Tzion- Lecture on 'Sibling Rivalry'

Michelle Marchant michmarchant at gmail.com
Thu Mar 11 23:07:47 IST 2010

Kehillat Ahavat Tzion invites the public to a lecture on "Sibling Rivalry' 
given by Dr Rinat Green.

The lecture will take place at 20:30 on Sunday, Or Le 29 Adar (14th March) 
at the home of Michelle Marchant (Nachal Maor 5/2).

Dr. Green is a clinical psychologist who specializes in issues related to 
families and children.

Men & Women are welcome!

Suggested donation of 10nis.

Please email Michelle (michmarchant at gmail.com) to register as space may be 

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