[RBS] This Friday - 19 March - Site Tour of Project in Ramat Beit Shemesh (Gimmel) -

[RBS] This Friday - 19 March - Site Tour of Project in Ramat Beit Shemesh (Gimmel) -

Larry Pin larnom at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 14 20:30:51 IST 2010

Erev Tov to all:

For those of you who would like to tour the land plot in RBS Gimmel which will G-d willing have constructed on it 3 buildings -- each building with 12 apartments - a walking tour is being formed to meet at the site this Friday at 10:00am. Please advise by reply to this e-mail by sending an expression of interest to join us and to confirm the time works well for you, or propose an alternate time for Friday when is best for you to meet.

We will meet by the caravan that sits atop RBS Gimmel (by the light post that shines at night on the top of the hill facing RBS Aleph).

I expect to have architectural plans for the buildings and layout of apartments -- with me --- at that time -- together with pricing.

Regards to all,

Eliyahu (Larry) Pinczower

kindly reply to pinczower at gmail.com


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