[RBS] Come One Come all!! You are invited to join the Melabev seniors Thursday morning !!

[RBS] Come One Come all!! You are invited to join the Melabev seniors Thursday morning !!

melabev beit shemesh melabev.shemesh at gmail.com
Thu Apr 14 00:48:47 IDT 2011

Come join the Seniors of Melabev at their mock SEDER at Matnas Zinman
this Thursday morning from 11am -12 noon!!
All ages are invited to the festivities!!
Come join the songs and leibidike atmosphere as we get into the Pesach mood!!
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Melabev Senior Center, Matnas Zinman - Simtat Wizo 10 (behind bank
leumi, mercaz Beit Shemesh)
melabev.shemesh at gmail.com

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