[RBS] The "Inside" Scoop on the Likud Rally Motzaei Shabbat

[RBS] The "Inside" Scoop on the Likud Rally Motzaei Shabbat

Aryeh Sonnenberg aryehsonnenberg at gmail.com
Tue Aug 9 23:39:01 IDT 2011

The absolute BEST WAY to influence the several LIKUD MKs and minister(s)
that should be here on Motzaei Shabbat is to come as a member of their
party, or with a signed membership form in hand.

If I were a Likud MK, who will be vying for reelection in the next campaign,
I would be MUCH MORE interested in helping my constituents, and NOT people
who are being wooed and lulled into joining a different party.

If you want more information about joining the Likud, contact me.

If you prefer to do it yourself on-line, then go to
https://my.netanyahu.org.il/profile/join/ (Hebrew only).

PS - The Likud has, and will likely have tens of representatives in the next
Knesset. New, splinter parties usually have NONE.

Aryeh Sonnenberg
"The Land is Very, Very Good"

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