[RBS] Saidels Bakery: Special offer in RBS on Black Russian Bread (Borodinsky)

[RBS] Saidels Bakery: Special offer in RBS on Black Russian Bread (Borodinsky)

Sheryl Saidel shezles at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 10 17:24:56 IDT 2011

SPECIAL OFFER - Black Russian Rye Bread (Borodinsky) - 
12 NIS unsliced (instead of 16 NIS), 
13 NIS sliced (instead of 17 NIS)

Borodinsky is a dark rye loaf consisting of minimum 70% rye and the
remainder, whole wheat flour. It receives its distinctive aroma and
flavor from sourdough fermentation and the addition of coriander seeds.

has it that this bread originated during the Battle of Borodino in 1812
between Napoleon and Kutuzov, in which the famous French Emperor was
finally defeated. According to the legend, Russian Field Marshal
Kutuzov's wife decided to bake a special bread to inspire her husband
and his troops using the indigenous spice - coriander. Whether it was
the bread, the gesture or simply the fighting spirit that won the
battle, remains unknown to this day.

bread was reknowned for its "keeping qualities" and there are many
accounts of this bread lasting for weeks in the field of battle,
thereby creating its reputation and basis as one of the staples of the
working class in Russia.

The Borodinsky has a low gluten content and a low glycemic index, making it especially beneficial for diabetes sufferers.

we highly recommend that you sample this bread, primarily for its
completely different and special taste and texture, that you recommend
it to your Russian neighbors who may not be receiving this email and to
anyone you know who has sugar problems.

Saidels Bakery also has a wide variety of other health breads, special challahs, bagels, cookies and pies. Visit our website at www.saidels.com for more information about our unique bakery  and our yummy products.

Saidels delivers to Ramat Bet
every Friday. We have a pick-up point in Ramat Bet
Shemesh and we ALSO DELIVER to your door for an extra 10 NIS delivery
Please note: Our new pick-up point in Ramat Bet Shemesh is:
Hadine and Andrew Gordon, Nachal Shimshon 12/1. Tel: 9997643 from 14:30-16:30.

To order, visit http://saidels.com
and use our user friendly on-line order form or call  09-7941222. Our
website contains photos and information about all our products.

Shabbat Shalom

Les and Sheryl Saidel
Saidels Bakery "baked with love"
Tel: 09-7941222
shezles at saidels.com
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