[RBS] New social skills groups for boys beginning in just 2 weeks!

[RBS] New social skills groups for boys beginning in just 2 weeks!

Gayle Shimoff gayle at pwp.org.il
Sun Aug 28 15:15:03 IDT 2011

Partners with Parents will be opening 2 new social skills groups for boys in
elementary school (grades 2 - 6). We will be having one group for younger
boys and one for older boys from mid - September through Chanukah. Our
groups will be meeting on Wednesday afternoons in our Nofei Aviv office.

Participating in social skills groups is a great way for your son to learn
how to navigate his social environment, in school, at home or on the
playground. Our groups are run in a fun and relaxed manner, by Dr. Debbi

Registration ends next week - 
So email Dr. Rubel at  dbrubel at gmail.com  for more information.

Best of luck for a great new school year!

Gayle S Shimoff, MA 
Learning Disabilities and Reading Specialist 
gayle at pwp.org.il 
Partners with Parents, R"A, A non profit organization in Israel 
Phone 02-999-4817 
Fax: 1-532-999-4817 
Toll Free from the USA: 1-866-563-6915 
Blog http://partnerswithparents.wordpress.com/ 
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/partnerswithparents

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