[RBS] URGENT - RBS A - Orot School Needs our Help

[RBS] URGENT - RBS A - Orot School Needs our Help

Michael Barnett michael at rankabove.com
Mon Aug 29 14:42:17 IDT 2011

Dear Friends,

As part of the RBS Community, I write to you to request that you help
express support for Orot Banot in Givat Sharet and the basic rights we have
as law-abiding citizens.
It seems that the Mayor and certain elements of the RBS B Community wish to
stop the opening of the Orot Girls School.

Certain unsavory individuals raided the school last night to 'take
possession of the building' and we as the Dati Leumi community arrived en
mass this morning to show that this is unacceptable behavior. The Mayor
seemingly cannot make his mind up on this clear issues and has not yet
issued relevant permits to allow the school year to start on time.

As a strong Community we must not put up with the blackmail that the
extremists in our city seek to use via the office of the Mayor.

Unless the Mayor understands that the ENTIRE community is against this we
will get nowhere.

Tonight there is a large demonstration to show the Mayor of this city that
we the Dati Leumi residents of RBS will not be bullied by small elements of
the Charedi Community. 

Please do you very best to attend:
6-30pm Monday 29 August Shderot Herzog in the Beit Sefer Orot Banot

Please come and give your maximum support to OUR Community in order that the
Mayor and Iriya see that we do want a say in what happens to our city and we
will not be pushed around anymore. Our neighbors children have rights to a
school building!

Please pass this on to as many people as you can!!

As someone said to me today - even though our kids do not attend Orot school
- today we are all Orot parents!!

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