[RBS] BH a name can be removed from Tehillim lists

[RBS] BH a name can be removed from Tehillim lists

Leeba (Bell) Rosenthal hazlucha at bezeqint.net
Tue Aug 30 19:05:04 IDT 2011

According to my daughter who is the assistant director of Tsophia
Therapeutic School for Girls, 


Leah Bracha bas Shoshana Basya,   one of their girls who was seriously
injured in the Jslm pigua  , can be removed from tehillim lists.    It is
not a bad idea to keep her mind  as you should  any other  bombing  victim,
anyone who suffered what she did and who saw what t she saw will have
lasting complications, but BH physically she is doing well and can be
removed from any daily tehillim lists.   

  Thank you all for your tefilllos may everyone have a refuah shleimah. 




From: edjaeger [mailto:edwarddelia at gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 3:00 PM
To: edjaeger





Rephael Aryeh ben Batsheva  (personal friend of Rav Lopes Cardozo)
****Akiva ben Gittel (close friend of family Cardozo)
**Yehudit Ruchama bat Chava Ruth (very close friend of family Cardozo)
** Devora Sara bat Yehudit Ruchama (daughter of very close friend)
* Moshe ben Manja (close friend of family Cardozo)
* Gershon ben Frumet  (close friend of family Cardozo)
* Nechama bat Tzipporah  (close friend of family Cardozo)
* Nachum Eliezar ben Esther Rachel
* Reb Meir Zvi Benn Merka (Rabbi Meir Schuster)
* Adwa bat Ayala Julia  (granddaughter of close friend of Family Cardozo)
*Bracha Rivka bat Shendi Jochewed  (friend of family Cardozo)
Daniel Yehoshua Tzvi ben Chava Raizel
Margaret bat Genia  (mother of close personal friend of Family Cardozo)
Yishai Yehuda ben Miriam
Leah bat Rivkah (close friend of Family Cardozo)
Adina bat Lyn
Rivka bat Rosalie
Elyakim Hanoch ben Marla Raya
Simon Ephraim Ben Zarie
Osher Halevie ben Rochel
Ida Bas Laura
Matanel Yitzchak ben Natalie
Ronit bat Tova (6 yrs old and has the chronic adult variety of leukemia)
Reuven Avraham ben Minka
Chaim Menashe ben Shlomit Tofcha (the man who jumped into a pit to save a
little girl who fell in and who is still in  critical condition due to the
gasses he inhaled while in the pit.)
Devorah  bat Emuna
Gedaliya ben Hana
Ori Benjamin ben Yisca Lulu
Elisha Simcha ben Shoshana Esther
Ja'acob Halevi  ben Pezzie
Eitan Rephael ben Bracha
Dorit bat Nechama
Rinat bat Daliah
Levi ben Orly
David ben Channa Yonah
Yael bat Nechama
Hoda bat Golda
*Nachum ben Pnina
*Leah Miriam bat Shoshanna
prayers for bus-bombing victims
Odelia Nechama bat Michal. 15 years old
Natan Daniel ben Shulamit. 15 years old
Leah Brachah Bas Shoshana Basya, a seminary girl
David Amoyal - David is the owner of the snack stand next to the bus stop
Sasson ben Shulamit -This is the second time Sasson has been injured in a
terrorist attack in Jerusalem
Ad Shapira - Ad is 18 years old
Daniel ben Nurit - Daniel is 13 years old
Elchanan ben Alona - Elchanan is 14 years old

Shaindel bat Raizel - Another seminary (post high school) girl learning in

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