[RBS] Canvas Prints of Jerusalem!

[RBS] Canvas Prints of Jerusalem!

Sheina Carlebach sheinac at hotmail.com
Sat Dec 10 20:59:58 IST 2011

One of the most beautiful spots in Jerusalem is Yemin Moshe.
5 Beautiful photos printed on canvas! 
The small framed photos are so lightweight - there is no glass and the
wood-like frame weighs almost nothing.  
40 NIS each ($10)
All 5 for only 150 NIS ($40)
They can be grouped 2, 3, 4  or all 5 on a wall.
S&H is only $15 to anywhere in the world
Please check them out!   (you don't have to be a facebook friend or member
to see these.)
&type=1&l=56bdddbcff> &type=1&l=56bdddbcff
New placemats also! 
These are beautiful, unique, very lightweight, pack easily - make wonderful
Sheina Carlebach Berkowitz
Ramat Bet Shemesh
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