[RBS] Course on NLP and guided imagery

[RBS] Course on NLP and guided imagery

Wayne & Mandy Berzack wmberzack at gmail.com
Wed Dec 14 15:04:04 IST 2011

There is an organisation called "Kesem Hashinui" that will be running a
course in Hebrew for women in Beit Shemesh on the subject of NLP and guided
imagery. There will be a free trial lesson on Motzai Shabbat 17/12 at 7:30
pm at the home of the Elimelech family - Nachal Chever.
To find out more about the course call 0772103030 or email
mira at kesem-hashinuy.co.il
Please don't e-mail me with questions. I do not have any extra information.
If anyone wants to see the flyer advertising the course contact me and I
will e-mail it to you.
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