[RBS] WOMEN'S and GIRL'S Dance Performance - support local dancers!

[RBS] WOMEN'S and GIRL'S Dance Performance - support local dancers!

RBS Dance Academy rbsdanceacademy at gmail.com
Thu Dec 15 10:05:46 IST 2011

RBS Dance Academy presents:

An Open House Dance Performance

Featuring RBS Dance Academy's Students (all ages!) and Directors

Come Support our local dance students and enjoy an inspiring
and entertaining evening out with your neighbors and friends!

When: Motzei Shabbat, Dec. 31st @ 8:00pm
Where: Ulam Sport Gym, 12 Nachal Sorek
Cost: Women: 20nis   Girls (11 and under) 10nis

For ticket information call
052.760.4183 or 052.713.4730
or email rbsdanceacademy at gmail.com

You may also purchase tickets from our wonderful students!

Don't miss this amazing show!
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