[RBS] Lema'an Achai's BRIGHTENING HEARTS Food Drive

[RBS] Lema'an Achai's BRIGHTENING HEARTS Food Drive

Susan Susan at lemaanachai.org
Sun Dec 18 14:05:41 IST 2011

A huge Yishar Koach to the tens of volunteers who contributed towards the
success of Lema'an Achai's pre-Chanukah food drive at the RBSa supermarkets
last Wednesday and Thursday:

Batya Jerenberg, Nachman Rosenberg, Ronna Teren, Mishpachat Bar Shai, Debby
Stern, Yehudit Shamroth, Yocheved Cohen, Racheli Itzkovitz, Family Staiman,
Shelley Davis
Yeshivat Shaalei Torah, Yeshiva Yesodei Hatorah,  Ulpanat Gila, Ulpana
Ahavat Yisrael, Machon Maayan

Thank you so much - we couldn't have done it without you all!

B'vircat Chag Chanuka Sameach!
Hadas, Chaya and the Lema'an Achai Staff

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