[RBS] Fun Free Chanukah Music Activity for Seniors and Youngsters!! this Sunday 11:00am-12noon

[RBS] Fun Free Chanukah Music Activity for Seniors and Youngsters!! this Sunday 11:00am-12noon

melabev beit shemesh melabev.shemesh at gmail.com
Sat Dec 24 20:15:37 IST 2011

CALLING ALL SENIORS and YOUNG CHILDREN!! (your moms can come too!!)

Great fun FREE CHANUKAH activity this Sunday 11:00am-12noon
Join the indefatigable Judy Clark and our beloved Melabev Seniors for
singing, dancing, playing instruments and more at Melabev's temporary
home at BMTL - Ulam Selesny - Rechov Asher 1 - Givat Sharett
Treats for all - packaged with love by the Melabev Seniors!!
Please RSVP so we know how many kids/seniors to expect!
melabev.shemesh at gmail.com

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