[RBS] this week's parsha and haftara - a bit of optimism

[RBS] this week's parsha and haftara - a bit of optimism

Phil'n'Chanie Rosenfelder philnchanie at gmail.com
Fri Dec 30 16:15:47 IST 2011

Just finished watching MiBreishit with Avi Ratt and Rav Beni Elon
a few things Rav Beni said:

- the brothers were in Shechem as their way of "resolving" their conflict
with Yosef - stay apart

- in sending Yosef to check on the brothers, Yaacov said to Yosef, "you are
to be leader, so you cannot be detached.  You must take your chances and
check on your brothers".  Yosef took his chances, things got realyl bad for
a while, but then we learn that Hashem make sit all work out properly in
the end....

- in the haftara, Yehezkel says that even if the tree of Am Yisrael
did not grow from a single root, we can take the trees that have grown from
Yos\ef and Yehuda and graft them together to breed the New Am Yisrael.

BEH b'karov b'yameinu, we wil put together all that is good from each
"tribe" to make together one unit that a serves Hashem in honesty,
fairness, kindness and humility

Higid adam ma tov, u'ma Hashem doresh mimcha, ki im asot mishpat v'ahavat
hessed, v'hatzne'a lechet im Elokecha
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