[RBS] Looking for very competent GRAPHIC ARTIST for massive email campaign

[RBS] Looking for very competent GRAPHIC ARTIST for massive email campaign

Daniella Krause kosherfamily at gmail.com
Sun Jan 16 01:11:38 IST 2011

Looking for a Graphic artist who can insert some pictures and colors to a
Professional Posting

I have written up a professional email posting in Ivrit which I plan to
distribute thru a massive email campaign

I would like a graphic artist to add some color and pictures and give it a
very professional
touch up and finish

Id like to hear recommendations

Only very professional competent people please!!


                                דניאלה קראוזה, מ.א
                      מומחית לטיפול משפחתי וזוגי
Daniella Krause,M.A.
kosherfamily at gmail.com
077 33 22 430
0545 359 072
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