[RBS] RE More info on Robberies

[RBS] RE More info on Robberies

Pearls of Joy bsheva at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 27 12:04:19 IST 2011

Thank you so much for everyone who has emailed me about their Robberies.  I forgot to ask you to send me the date and time of the robbery.  Again anyone who know of a robbery please email me the info even if you think they have email and wrote me a note. 5 pieces of info to send me:
1. Name
2. Address
3. City (ie Nofei Aviv, RBS alef etc.)
4. Date
5. Time of day (mine happened between 10:15 am and 12pm)

Shlomo & Batsheva Singer
Pearls of Joy
Pearl Importers


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