[RBS] PSA: ein hinuch l'aveilut

[RBS] PSA: ein hinuch l'aveilut

Phil'n'Chanie Rosenfelder philnchanie at gmail.com
Mon Jul 18 17:27:56 IDT 2011

most kids want to be giborim, and fast even when they don't have to
however, it is hot and many kids wind up dehydrating in their efforts
to be , what they think is, frum

i want to recommend that if your kids under gil  mitzvot are thinking
of fasting, that you take them to a rav to learn about the concept of
"ein hinuch l'aveilut" in order to best explain to your kids why they
must eat and drink even if tomorrow is a fast .  the same might apply
to tish'a b'av if it doesn't become a hag by then

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