[RBS] SUNDAY NIGHT - What Would You Do if YOUR Car Got Stoned?

[RBS] SUNDAY NIGHT - What Would You Do if YOUR Car Got Stoned?

Aryeh Sonnenberg aryehsonnenberg at gmail.com
Thu Jul 28 23:19:56 IDT 2011

As reported on an RBS email list a few weeks ago...

Tonight around 9:00PM between Beitar and the checkpoint (right by the
Palestinian garage before the checkpoint) Arab kids came out of the fields
stoning cars. B"H our car was only hit with one stone and all are OK because
2 soldiers came running to chase them away as they ran to our car.

(end of email)

A growing phenomenon is occurring around the country. Arabs attack and Jews
are arrested. There are several cases that have occurred recently. These
have occurred in Yesha in the past, but not they are occurring IN OUR OWN
BACKYARD as well. 

HONENU, www.honenu.org, a free legal defense organization specializing in
these types of cases is here to legally defend you for protecting yourself.

Find out more about this amazing organization and learn what you need to do
if Chas VeShalom you find yourself in such a situation.

At the Sonnenberg's home, Nachal Luz 8/4.

Aryeh Sonnenberg
"The Land is Very, Very Good"

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