[RBS] ALiyah Coaching

[RBS] ALiyah Coaching

Daniella Krause kosherfamily at gmail.com
Sun May 8 12:33:30 IDT 2011

An Aliyah Coaching recommendation sent out by a satisfied client!

Aliya Coach and School Advocate
(among many other professionally capabiliites)
Daniella is available to assist in every aspect of aliya dificulties
in the following ways:
Daniella is fluent in several languages,:
 -specifically  for our needs, speaks both hebrew and english like a native
Daniella has an extensive special ed, social work and therapy background
 -she has the abliity to get down to the essence of what olim kids
with special issues need, helps you figure out the most important
things to address with teachers and yoetzet
Daniella will go with you to teachers meetings:
-and help explain what it is your child needs, whether it be smaller
class, more attention, hakalot on tests etc, and she gets results !
I know this because she has assisted me for many years with all the
eduactional issues we've had. The school really appreciates when the
parents make the effort to provide a translator and advocate. It
relaxes everyone that one language is being spoken (literally and
figuritively since she understands where teachers, students and
parents are coming from)
Daniella can, and does followup on a meetings, phone calls and progress and she
reminds you when to get back to the school, to renew ivchunim etc

Early intervention with an expert is always the way to get what your
child needs, here in Israel or anywhere you live!
Make an appointment to speak with her today!!
See her details below:
    דניאלה קראוזה, מ.א
                      מומחית לטיפול משפחתי וזוגי
Daniella Krause,M.A.
kosherfamily at gmail.com
077 33 22 430
0545 359 072

I wish you all Yom Haatzmmaut Sameah
and Easy Klita!!

Yehudis Schamroth CRNA

Nachal Hayarden 120/6
Ramat Bet Shemesh
0545-91-6673 or 02-992-0268

3405 W. Strathmore Ave
Baltimore, MD 21215
410-900-9136 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              410-900-9136


                                דניאלה קראוזה, מ.א
                      מומחית לטיפול משפחתי וזוגי
Daniella Krause,M.A.
kosherfamily at gmail.com
077 33 22 430
0545 359 072

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