[RBS] Lema'an Achai

[RBS] Lema'an Achai

Avrohom Leventhal avrohom at lemaanachai.org
Wed Sep 14 08:50:12 IDT 2011

U'Tshuva, UTfila UTzedaka..Elul is the time of the year to consider our 
tzedaka and maaser kesafim for the year.

Lema'an Achai assists over 180 local families with "Smart Chesed" that aims 
to bring people through, then out, of crisis.

Supporting Lema'an Achai gives you the opportunity to help your friends and 
neighbors with tzedaka on the highest level.

You may donate now by calling 9999933, online at www.smartchesed.org or 
through your shul/neighborhood reps.

Please consider making a monthly commitment through Horaat Keva (bank or 
credit card).

Anyone who signs up for a Horaat Keva before Rosh HaShana will receive a 
very special gift.."The First 10 Days" by Rav Yaacov Haber.

Tizku l'mitzvot and K'Tiva V'Chatima Tova! 

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