[RBS] got a five year old boy...?

[RBS] got a five year old boy...?

M A mamericus at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 18 21:08:23 IDT 2011

Whether your son loves to move and you can't keep him still long enough to Velcro his shoes (!) or he prefers to sit and read a book, or watch the ants walk along the edge of the street, Master Mordechai Americus' traditional Martial Arts chug can challenge them all!  He gives the boys an outlet for movement, training in fitness, kaovod for those wise, older, and for one another.  He teaches them safety, builds self esteem and confidence, focus, concentration, patience and more, which reinforce and support the middos we endeavor daily, at home and school, to imbue in our children.  Come try a class this Wednesday at 16:30 in Ramat Beit Shemesh Alef.  Parents are welcome.  For further details and questions, please call Master Mordechai Americus at 052-786-7040, or 077-431-0116.   
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