[RBS] Orot Banot - Our turn to march - PLEASE COME THIS IS IMPORTANT Do Please Show your Support!

[RBS] Orot Banot - Our turn to march - PLEASE COME THIS IS IMPORTANT Do Please Show your Support!

Michael Barnett michael at rankabove.com
Wed Sep 21 17:01:00 IDT 2011


The Extremist Chareidi demonstration yesterday evening was not the success
they had hoped for.  
They did have about 400 people listening to the speeches and there were a
few hundred more milling around looking for action, but the word on the
street in RBS Bet is that they are demoralized from it.  
Rabbis in attendance included Kopshitz, Rosenberger, Heller, Roth, Erlanger,
and Serota.
It was peaceful with small little flare ups with one dati adult, some dati
youth, and some reporters.  (A galei tzahal female reporter was spat on and
she is filing a police complaint against the person who did it).
** We are making a rally on Sunday 25 March at 6:15p.m. at the corner of
Maapilei Egoz and Herzog. **
We are going to make the statement that Bet Shemesh is for ALL Jews and no
other group will ever dictate how we should live our lives or take away our
schools.  It is critical that everyone from RBS A and Bet Shemesh come.
Please e-mail Rav Dov Lipman back asap with the number of people from your
families who will be attending and please spread the word.  More information
will be forthcoming.
ddlipman at aol.com 

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