[RBS] Donor sought to sponsor a worthy young lady for partial sem tuition this year

[RBS] Donor sought to sponsor a worthy young lady for partial sem tuition this year

JFS office at jfsisrael.org
Thu Aug 23 14:44:25 IDT 2012

*Sometimes a person just needs a bit of help.  This post- sherut leumi 
young woman will be infinitely better off with a year of seminary under 
her belt AND she is working as many hours as she can fit, already.  She 
is also on generous scholarship from the seminary.... but.... needs that 
missing piece of money to make this year happen.

Is there anyone out there who is seeking a very worthwhile anonymous 
sponsorship opportunity?  Your investment will pay off as she grows 
herself and eventually raises her own children in a balanced, healthy, 
Torah home.

Please email for deposit information, and please remember the time of 
year.  Elul is a good month to reach out and create better life for 
someone BE"H!*

Jewish Family Services Israel
       Psychology and Social Work
       Coaching and Therapy
Skype jfsisrael

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