[RBS] Software services

[RBS] Software services

Moshe Ohrinovitch ohrinovitch at gmail.com
Sun Jan 29 13:45:45 IST 2012

Experienced engineer from RBSA, Ramat Shilo, that graduated many years
ago at Machon Lev (JCT) offers a variety of software service that include:

1. Dual boot (or more) for those that would like to have a few separate 
operating systems on one PC
2. Virtual machine installations for those that would like to open a few 
operating systems from a host PC
3. Complex installations
4. Virus removal
5. Maintenance and performance improvement for any PC

Call for a free consultation.
Home visit and initial diagnosis: 50 NIS.
The optional additional service offer and the price will be based on the 
initial diagnosis results.

Thanks & kind regards,
Moshe Ohrinovitch

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