[RBS] Apartment needed for Shabbat HaGadol

[RBS] Apartment needed for Shabbat HaGadol

Sassen Family jdsassen at neto.net.il
Mon Jan 30 14:14:09 IST 2012

Posting for a friend, please reply directly to her.

I am looking for accommodation for my in-laws for Shabbat HaGadol,
preferably near Beit Tefilla.

We will be celebrating Shabbat Sheva Brochot, b'ezrat HaShem.

If anyone knows in advance that they will not be in Israel or in Beit
Shemesh over this period and are prepared to help me with this, I would be
ever so grateful.

Chaya Dina Shriki
chayadina at neto.net.il

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