[RBS] The Ultimate Gan Experience for Your Child

[RBS] The Ultimate Gan Experience for Your Child

Asher & Miriam Friedman saylittledomuch at gmail.com
Sun Mar 4 07:40:31 IST 2012


In Parshat Veyechi, Yaakov Avinu delivers his parting words to his
children as he prepares to leave this world.
Interestingly, he uses these precious moments not to impart wisdom or
information to them, but to help them understand themselves- their
strengths and weaknesses, and the tremendous impact they can have on
the world.

In this vein, at Gan Ulpan our teachers’ primary goal is not the
transmission of facts (although of course this happens too!), but
unlocking the potential of each child.

How is this done?
The first step is for the teachers to truly get to know the children.
This means listening to them, taking their ideas seriously, observing
them at play, trying to understand how they perceive and experience
the world around them.
As this is achieved, the teachers embark on the journey of learning
together with the children, using literature, art experiences, music,
science and creative drama to tap into the children’s natural

The goal?
For the children to view learning as an exciting experience, the world
as a fascinating place, and themselves as competent learners.

Sound like a dream?
Come see for yourself- we are happy to give prospective parents a personal tour.

Gan Ulpan is a warm and nurturing learning environment for children
ages three to five that offers:
-A high teacher/child ratio and small group size.  Each group has a
maximum of 17 children and two teachers
-A gentle transition from English to Hebrew over the course of the year.
-A Torani environment with an emphasis on developing a love for Torah
and Eretz Yisrael
-A program that builds social skills, self-confidence, and a positive
attitude toward learning

Find out more about our program and philosophy at www.ganulpan.org, or
call Genendy Radoff to arrange your tour and for registration
information, at 991-6582.

“My daughter has learned to explore life and our world in her own
unique way. She is encouraged to follow her her own interests thereby
tapping in to her strengths. She is able to "think out of the box"
allowing her creative young mind to constantly analyze her
surroundings and to express herself freely. She has learned to problem
solve all different types of situations in her daily activities.”
–Atara Lavi

Asher & Miriam Friedman

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