[RBS] Lema'an Achai Spirit

[RBS] Lema'an Achai Spirit

Avrohom Leventhal avrohom at lemaanachai.org
Tue Mar 6 21:22:35 IST 2012

Do you want to show your Lema'an Achai spirit?

Help show your support for Smart Chesed on Purim!

Posters, blow up hands, shirts and car flags will be available tomorrow at 
Lema'an Achai's office on Lachish.

Email avrohom at lemaanachai.org and tell us what you will need!

You can drop off your Matanos L'Evyonim to be given out on Purim day while 
at the office.

Tizku L'Mitzvot and Purim Sameach! 

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