[RBS] Double Mitzvas, Matanot Avyanim and Bar Mitzva
ראובן שפי-גל
shefigal at gmail.com
Tue Mar 6 21:05:45 IST 2012
Here is an opportunity to help a very poor family make a Bar Mitzva for
their son in just 2 weeks. They have not any means mamash. for a suit, a
seuda, tefillin, etc. and we have set the goal of raising 10,000 nis for
them, and to enable the family a worthy celebration. Donations should be
either brought to Rav Yaakov Haber at his shul Kehillat Shivtei Yeshurin,
or his home Nahal Yaaleh 7, in RBS-A. or to deposit in Bank Igud, Rehov
Yehuda HaNasi 2 in RBS-B.
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