[RBS] Bamba / Bissli / Cheetos... to benefit Melabev and Tomchei
melabev beit shemesh
melabev.shemesh at gmail.com
Fri Mar 9 14:09:07 IST 2012
If you have closed bags of chatifim such as bamba bissli and the like,
please consider donating them to benefit Melabev and Tomchei shabbos.
You can drop them off in BS at Shivtei Yisrael 1/3 / or at Melabev - BMTL
on Sunday morning 9-1.
In RBSa at Rivka Beer - Nachshon 6 alef over 3
deadline - SUNDAY March 11th
Please label bag Melabev and send in by Sunday - tizku l'mitzvot!!
thank you and shabbat shalom!
Shoshana Lichtman
melabev.shemesh at gmail.com
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