[RBS] FW: Lema'an Achai's clothes drop-off gemach - thanks also to the bags shlepper
Susan at lemaanachai.org
Wed Mar 14 11:07:22 IST 2012
Important hakarat hatov....
I forgot to thank Mitch Rich who regularly shleps all the sorted bags from
the machsan to their various destinations. Yishar koach!
Susan Hoffman
Chana Pasternak z"l Programs and Volunteers Director
Lema'an Achai
(02) 999-1553 ext.115
-----Original Message-----
From: Susan [mailto:Susan at lemaanachai.org]
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 10:58 AM
To: BS list; RBSA list (Momo); RBS2 list
Subject: Lema'an Achai's clothes drop-off gemach
Pesach is approaching and everyone has a lot of junk to get rid of.
Lema'an Achai would like to remind the community that we'll be delighted to
accept clothes in excellent condition only - no stains, rips or faded
clothes please - at our clothes drop-off point.
There is a Lema'an Achai box in one of the parking spaces in the parking lot
of 120 Hayarden, to the right of the entrance door to the building.
Also, please do not bring any toys or household items - this gemach is
strictly for clothes only.
Thanks so much to you all, our supporters!
We'd also like to take this opportunity to thank all our devoted volunteers
involved in this gemach who spend hours sorting clothes etc:
Karen Rappaport, Debby Stern, Ronna Stern, Ditza Silverman, Ruti Reichert,
Michelle Marchant, Gilla Jasper.
A big yishar koach for all their tireless efforts!
Susan Hoffman
Chana Pasternak z"l Programs and Volunteers Director Lema'an Achai
(02) 999-1553 ext.115
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