[RBS] "miracles and marriage-this Motzaey Shabat, RBS Matnas

[RBS] "miracles and marriage-this Motzaey Shabat, RBS Matnas

shalemm at bezeqint.net shalemm at bezeqint.net
Thu Mar 15 17:32:26 IST 2012

the Performance of "miracles and marriage"  is trying to show
a collection of passages dealing with religious bachelor's
life in the wedding.

The show is very funny and yet deeply touching points. the 
show goes sensitivity to the bachelor's inner world, with
sorrow and pain where the face of hope and faith.

The show is very diverse and presents excerpts from daily life
of the religious bachelor, like a meeting between pressing the
Polish mother and her son to marry her son childish fantasies
and living bachelor looking for love like the movies. 

this motzaey Shabat .  march 17th at the RBS Matnas at 21:00
40 NIS in Presale
50 NIS at the evening of the show


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