[RBS] Adults advanced ulpan - Medical Hebrew
tami elmaliach
elmaliacht at gmail.com
Sun Mar 18 10:49:04 IST 2012
An ulpan for advanced Hebrew on medical Hebrew will be opening in
Jerusalemon May 2012.
The morning ulpan will be 300 hours, 3 months 5hours a day, 5 days a week.
The ulpan is designated for people who work inthe medicine field and
in the alternative medicine field (Doctors, nurses, dietitians,
biologists,psychologists, pharmacists, veterinarians, laboratory
workers, chemists,biotechnologists.)
You may be admitted:
1. if you are a medical professional.
2. if you have already learned in ulpan א' .
3. if you are willing and able to be part of anintensive course.
4. if you are an oleh chadash (up to 10 years in Israel).
· Those who are eligible will get living allowance and travel fees.
· The screening committee will be on the 21.03.12. the
screening will be made up of a personal interview and a Hebrew test.
The committee will be inmatnas hagivah hatzarfatit, rechov hhagana 13
(מתנ"ס הגבעה הצרפתית, רחוב ההגנה 13ירושלים.)
For more information and to sign up pleasecontact Adela Moskato in the
Ministry of Immigrant Absorption, rechov hasivah10, Beit Shemesh (רחוב
השבעה 10)
Or call 02-9939111.
Thank you And good luck
Tami Elmaliach
Coordinator of English speaking Olim
Municipality of Beit Shemesh
olimhelp at gmail.com
תמי אלמליח
רכזת עולים דוברי אנגלית
עיריית בית שמש
olimhelp at gmail.com
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