[RBS] Featuring Major Torah Scholars-Machon Shilo Pre-Pesach Conference in Jerusalem

[RBS] Featuring Major Torah Scholars-Machon Shilo Pre-Pesach Conference in Jerusalem

Machon Shilo toratheretzyisrael at yahoo.com
Sat Mar 24 19:45:59 IST 2012

The Machon Shilo
Pre-Pesah Conference
Sponsored by
Israel’s Ministry of Education and the Municipality of Jerusalem
With the
Participation of the Ariel Tora Institutions and Makhon HaYerushalmi
Where: Mosdoth Ariel, 5 HaPisga Rd., Jerusalem
02-01-65 — 2 Nisan 5772 — 25 March  2012
Start: Minha 4:50 pm                 End : ‘Arvith 8:45 pm
R’uven Campagnano— The Talmud
Y’rushalmi: A Window on  Day to Day Life
in Eress Yisrael
Dov Lior, Chief Rabbi of Qiryath
‘Arba — The Halakhic  K’zayith:
3-5 cc (the Size of an Olive) 
David Bar-Hayim, Head of Machon
Shilo — The ‘Olives’ of Galuth and the Writings of Rav Kook
Mord’khai Kislev, Bar-Ilan
University — The Olives of Eress Yisrael Past and Present:  Botanical, Historical and Archeological
Y’hoshua Bukh, Makhon HaY’rushalmi
— The Leavening Process, One Mil, or Four? Talmud Bavli  vs. Talmud Y’rushalmi  
·        You’ve
always known that a K’zayith had to be the size of an olive. You’ve always
wondered how things could possibly have become so confused. 
·        Find
out how this Halakha became distorted in the European Galuth. 
·        If
you believe that the Tora is rational; if you understand that Halakha cannot be
divorced from reality; if you feel that many Jews cannot relate to a Tora that
just doesn’t make sense…
·        …then
please donate to Machon Shilo to cover the costs of this ground-breaking
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