[RBS] Please Protect Your Children From Predators
Ayelet Granick
ayelet526 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 24 23:07:57 IST 2012
As usual, Chanie is spot on.
On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 2:53 PM, Phil'n'Chanie Rosenfelder <
philnchanie at gmail.com> wrote:
> Lo Ta'amod Al Dam Reiacha (vayikra, yud tet: tet-zayin)
> lashon hara l'toelet
> the Hafetz haim explains the obligation to warn the public in order to
> protect other people in klal yud, se'if vaav and klal tet, rechilut se'if
> gimmel
> EVEN IF it may cause people to "l'hatil dofi" in a person
> many rabbanim and scholars read this list - let's have some
> feedback!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> (but not from the 'rabbis" who think that abused women are not entitled to
> demand a divorce, thank you very much)
> in fact,a group of residents posted the name of a caterer who
> was taking money and then not doing her work
> and a group of people posted about a gas station that was selling
> tampered diesel fuel
> and, when i had reason to suspect a person of stealing, i was told to
> announce to the general public to contact me before letting this person
> into their homes
> and these are NOT dinei nefashot
> it is time to stop hiding behind "halacha" - you wouldn't call a rav
> before calling an ambulance if halila a kid were hit by a car in the road.
> kids who are molested OFTEN commit suicide!!
> according to the Hafetz Haim , anyone who knows from first hand for sure
> that someone touched a kid in an inappropriate manner MUST warn the rest of
> the public, in order to prevent anyone else from being hurt.
> On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 9:23 PM, Shay Adler <shnortnshay at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Please, RBS List, I can see this email getting* returned to sender*.
>> Please find it in your hearts to relay this post to the families of RBS.
>> You can take part in saving even one neshama.
>> Being part of the religious community becomes the hardest thing for me
>> when it comes to molestation. Many frum people even gasp at the
>> aforementioned word. Many others deny its existence. As a mother of small
>> children, I feel as if it is my duty to make people more aware of this
>> present problem. Yes, I know that I will get many emails stating that this
>> problem has existed since way back in biblical times, and that it exists
>> amongst every religion. I am aware of that. However, the issue amongst
>> chareidim is the "hush" reaction that follows the occurrence.
>> I am not doing this for the parents. I am doing this for the children.
>> They are the future of klal yisroel and that is a good enough reason for me
>> to send this email, and it should be for you too. I find it painful to know
>> that these stories are happening constantly to children and many are not
>> warned about it. I spent tonight with a police officer who is very involved
>> and he told me that it is a bad situation here in RBS. He said that
>> everyone is so busy worrying about shidduchim and lashon hara and so many
>> children are getting hurt. Just today another child was molested in the
>> park between Katlav and Micha.
>> Being in contact with Magen, I was told that there are over FORTY known
>> child molesters in RBS and they are walking the streets freely. Not only do
>> we not know they exist, we do not even know that they are spending time
>> with our children. For the few of us that warn our children of staying far
>> from strangers, these are people that look like the rest of us and are part
>> of our shuls and families.
>> Sadly, Magen can not release the information of these people. I
>> understand why they have not done so, but I do not understand why we are
>> not talking about this amongst ourselves. How can we make our children more
>> aware. How can we prevent these stories from happening, because they are
>> happening, if we are constantly hushing these stories. The molester's
>> pictures should be up and their locations should be known. They should not
>> feel free to roam the streets.
>> Because while you are worrying about saying lashon hara and ruining a
>> molester's reputation in shuls, they are touching YOUR children
>> inappropriately. You think these things happen to other people always and
>> not your own, but sadly you are more than wrong. Majority of children don't
>> even tell their parents.
>> There was just a child that was molested behind the matnas right before
>> Purim. I don't know all the details and I apologize in advance to the
>> parents of this child for any false information. I am not here for
>> journalism purposes and I don't have all the correct details. I am just
>> writing this to make parents aware that these things are happening HERE. I
>> watch small boys and girls walk alone to and from school every day. Small
>> little innocent children who see the good in everybody. There is no one
>> watching them. You can try that excuse that Hashem is watching them, and He
>> is, but that doesn't mean you can just drop your babies in the road and see
>> if they will be safe from crashing cars.
>> This child was pulled over to the side, even while other children were
>> around and he was told by a bearded individual that he should come with him
>> to the side and that it was okay because he was friends with the boy's
>> father. As children, we are trusting, especially when someone looks
>> religious. I am not blaming the parents, G-d forbid, because I know we
>> can't always be there for our children and I know that it is not always in
>> our control. Things happen right in front of our noses and I know this
>> first-hand. But when we can prevent it, we should.
>> This mother obviously did well with her child. She found out what happen
>> and that is way more than many others do. Make a good connection with your
>> children and pray that they come to you if G-d forbid anything happens. And
>> pray even harder that nothing should happen to them. Make it clear to them
>> that it is never their fault and that there are bad people out there. There
>> is a lot of awareness and things that should be taught to children and
>> parents. You can get booklets from magen and read it up on websites.
>> I am not here to teach you what to do. Find something that works for your
>> family. Walk your children to school if you can, if not make them walk in
>> groups and teach them safety and red flag warnings they should look out for.
>> Stop hushing what is so present in our neighborhood right now. Little
>> children are getting molested and raped. We should not be hushing things
>> like this. You don't want names and pictures because you are too religious
>> for that kind of "lashon hara", I am not giving you them. I am telling you
>> a concept. Our little tiny, helpless babies are getting hurt. Many of them
>> repeatedly.
>> We are ignoring something that is so important for our future. *They*are the future, don't let this go by without some sort of change.
>> Contact Magen for any other information or if you need any help
>> "Magen" - Creating a Safer Community for Kids
>> MagenProtects at gmail.com
>> Hotline: 052-765.2929
>> Sunday thru Thursday - 9am-12am; 8-11pm
>> Fridays - 9am-12am
>> Motsei Shabbat - till Midnight
>> Administrative & Non-Urgent Matters
>> 02-9997026
>> 050-8489001
>> This website is also very informative and has names of the convicted
>> predators.
>> http://www.besheket.com/index.htm
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