[RBS] Kashrut Without Politics- Mon. Night at Mosdot HaRav Aharon Soloveicihik

[RBS] Kashrut Without Politics- Mon. Night at Mosdot HaRav Aharon Soloveicihik

Mosdot HaRavAharonSoloveichik mosdotharavaharonsoloveichik at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 26 01:13:31 IST 2012

HaRav Moshe Bigel, head of the kashrut division of Tzohar and chief rabbi of Meitar will be 
delivering a series of shiurim in clear, easy to understand Hebrew on the issue of kashrut at Mosdot Harav Aharon Soloveichik-Beit Knesset Ohr Shalom. HaRav Bigel is an expert in halacha food technologies.
The first shiur in the series  will be on:  HOW DO YOU CHECK KASHRUT OUTSIDE OF THE HOME?                
                                                                  (by friends, hotels,etc.)
The shiur will take place this Mon. night, 4 Nissan, 26/3/12 at Nachal Maor 27 at 20:00
There will be Q & As at the end of the shiur followed by Maariv. The shiur will be open for men and women.
The series is sponsored by Mosdot HaRav  Aharon Soloveichik, Beit Knesset Ohr Shalom, and Ichud Batei Knesset RBS
Mosdot HaRav Aharon Soloveichik was founded by HaGaon HaRav Aharon Soloveichik and is currently led and inspired by HaRav Hayim Soloveichik.

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