[RBS] Baby Parade this Tuesday at Melabev!
melabev beit shemesh
melabev.shemesh at gmail.com
Mon Mar 26 15:58:13 IST 2012
Attention moms and youngsters!!! (infants / toddlers / preschoolers)
Let your baby/infant /pre-schooler be part of a Mitzvah
This Tuesday, March27th from 10:30-11:15 at BMTL Rabbi David's shul corner
of Rechov Asher and Reuven
*Melabev's monthly baby parade*!
Please join us for a morning of chesed and intergenerational interaction!!
Help put a smile on the seniors' faces at Melabev
Starring JUDY CLARK!!!
RSVP to Melabev.shemesh at gmail.com
Hope to see you there! Tell your friends to come too
What's a baby parade? Click on this link and enjoy!
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