[RBS] for sale: Feldheim books, list of titles available

[RBS] for sale: Feldheim books, list of titles available

Riva joelriva at bezeqint.net
Thu Mar 29 22:43:46 IST 2012

I'm selling these books, in perfect condition, never used, for 25 shekels
each, or make me an offer if you take a whole bunch.


Novels and Short Stories:

Amen Allowed

The Kadosh of Tirnau

Heart & Soul

Little Pink Shoes

On No Account

The Yellow Notebook

For Goodness Sake

All Hashem's Children

Mists in Time

The Promise of Freedom

Optical Illusion, 2 vols.

Secret Weapon (suspense), 2 vols

Monsey, Kiryat Sefer, and Beyond

The Disappearing Dowry

Set Me Free


Family Matters

People Speak 4

Shadows and Light

The Warriors of Transcendence (actually the first and only Orthodox
"Fantasy" novel I've ever seen!)


Torah Thought:

Inspiring Change (Aba Wagensberg)

Through the Prism of Torah

A Light in Time

In Their Shadow

Chofetz Chaim A Lesson a Day

A Voice in the Darkness

The Kuzari, 2 volumes

Shiruim b'Haggados Chazal-Maseches Megillah

A Treasure for Life: Orchos Tzaddik

In His Image: Body Language Through the Eyes of the Torah

Bridging the Gap

The Road of a Lion (The Life and Times of the Kol Aryeh)

A Voice Shall Sing Forth (Dubner Maggid on Shir Hashirim)

Day By Day: Thoughts from the Chofetz Chaim

The Torah of Brisk

Voice of Nobles (Dubner Maggid on Koheles)

Hashgachah Pratis  (An exploration of Divine Providence and Free Will)

Beyond What the Eye Perceives: An intellectual and spiritual journey into
the Torah's esoteric world




The Mystery of the Rich Uncle

Mrs. Honig's Cakes, two volumes

Chaverim Boys' Choir

Take a Chance

All About You


One Special Prayer (A fantastic "back in time" historical novel about the
Days of Awe during the time of the Bais HaMikdash)

Stop, Thief!

Nan's Long Journey




Right From the Start (Marriage)

The Golden Key to Happiness

The Garden of Peace (Marriage, for men)

Delivery from Darkness (Treatment of Postpartum Depression)

Major Concepts of the Talmud

Guidelines: Brachos (Questions and answers on hilchos brachos)



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