[RBS] Best Market Newsletter
Alon Frank
butcheronline at gmail.com
Sat Mar 31 23:55:50 IDT 2012
Dear Friends,
I am happy to send you the newsletter of this week.
Find us on Facebook with this link:
This week you can submit your meat orders by emailing me at:
mybestbutcher at gmail.com
It's NOT possible to phone in your orders. We will be too busy to
answer your call.
All orders will be ready in the (late) afternoon only.
It's advisable to start taking in barbecue meats this week.
Monday April 9th (2nd day chol hamoed) there will be fresh chickens
from Rav Auerbach only.
Rav Rubin and Rav Machfud chickens won't be available during chol
hamoed. (only frozen)
The pesach sale booklet that was send out last week is valid till April 5th.
Rotisserie chickens and rotisserie chicken parts with potatoes will be
available the whole week
till Thursday night (bedikas chametz). Friday erev chag and the whole
week of pesach there won't be any
rotisserie chickens,because it's not kosher for pesach.
Thursday night and Friday erev chag we will be emptying our meat counter.
Here are the chol hamoed opening times:
Sunday-Tuesday from 8 AM till 14 PM
Wednesday from 8 AM till 23 PM (correct for now,but it can change).
Thursday erev chag sheni from 8 AM till 15 PM.
During chol hamoed I don't take email orders.
NEW at Best Market: Kosher lepesach and kitnyot free cakes !!!!
(Chatam sofer hechsher)
The management and employees of Best Market wishes it's customers
A Pesach kasher vesameiach !!!!
Shavua tov!
Alon Frank.
Best Market
Nachal Dolev 19 (Park center building)
Tel: 02-6335800
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