[RBS] drop off ironing service

[RBS] drop off ironing service

marti winston martirobin2 at gmail.com
Sat May 19 21:15:27 IDT 2012

4 simple steps to ironed clothing:

1. Just put it all your clothes in need of ironing into a bag

2. Add a LARGE note listing your name and telephone number.

3. Include one hanger per item

4. Drop it off anytime from Sun til Thursday noon.

You will usually get a call within 24 hours telling you it is ready for
pick up & how much money to bring.

Drop off at Nachal Lachish 35
Apt 5
All shirts come with starch on the sleeves and collars.

Please specify if you want (for an additonal charge)
#2 extra starch (starch entire shirt) (.50 agarot)
#3 extra heavy starch (starch entire shirt twice before ironing) (1 nis)
You may write that on the note with your name and number.

You can email me for a price list.
Many satisfied customers.







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