[RBS] Aish Kodesh Neitz Minyan

[RBS] Aish Kodesh Neitz Minyan

Aaron Morgan amorgan at mortgageisrael.com
Thu May 24 16:32:19 IDT 2012

Come join the new Aish Kodesh (nusach Sefard) Shabbos NEITZ minyan in it's
4th week.

Kiddish following davening with divrei torah and niggunim.

Where:  Aish Kodesh (Ma'or 4) Upstairs
When:  5am Shabbos morning.

For more information, contact  Shimon Tryfus (stryfus at gmail.com) or Aaron
Morgan (amorgan at mortgageisrael.com).

We look forward to seeing you!
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