[RBS] 10 year old girl needs kidney asap

[RBS] 10 year old girl needs kidney asap

Marci Rapp marci at bezeqint.net
Sun Sep 2 12:55:20 IDT 2012

We have received an urgent request from Rav Heber of Matnat Chaim to publicize the following 
Ora is 10 years old. She has been on dialysis for some time. She lives in Jerusalem with her single parent mother who is totally devoted to her. They are alone with no family support system. Ora suffers from a condition which has weakened her bones and she has difficulty walking.  Her doctors say that if she does not undergo a transplant in the near future she will lose her ability to walk for a lifetime.  
Ora is Type O, a blood type which can only receive a kidney from a Type O.

If you have Type O blood please consider donating a kidney to her  before it is too late.  You will be guided throughout the whole process.  

There are over 700 dialysis patients waiting for a kidney in Israel.  Any bloodtype welcome.

Please contact me for further information.

Please note: You are never committed and your expenses will be covered by the Min. of Health including lost wages, 7 days in hotel, and 2500nis for misc.


Marci Rapp
MarSea Modest Swim & Gymwear
Cover what you want...in style!
marci at bezeqint.net
SAVE A LIFE! DONATE A KIDNEY in Israel - I did - contact me for more information.

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