[RBS] THIS Shabbos in Chevron! A Few Rooms Open
Beis Tefillah Yonah Avraham (BTYA) Info Line
info2 at btya.org
Wed Sep 5 12:16:29 IDT 2012
BTYA is going to Chevron for Shabbos, and there are a few rooms still open!
Invitation to שבת חברון
Please join us for the 8th annual BTYA "שבת חברון,"
a very special שבת in חברון-עיר האבות.
The purpose of the שבת is to derive inspiration for our personal תפילות via
the השפעה of the “ישיני חברון,” the אבות and אמהות, and through their
great-grandchildren who will be guiding us.
The program, taking place the שבת of ערב סליחות, serves as the perfect
preparation for the ימים נוראים as well as a primer for the enhancement of
our daily תפילות.
We will stay, eat, and tour together in the heart of Jewish Chevron.
We expect the program to include:
• תפילות in the מערת המכפילה
• Torah Talks from local personalities
• Special שיחה from the Rav
• קידוש
• Special Women’s Sessions with local residents
• אבות ובנים in the Avrohom Avinu Shul
• Tours of the Jewish neighborhoods
• For kids –babysitters to help during שבת
• All מהדרין-גלאט meals
• Transportation from RBS (bulletproof bus, protected by הקדוש ברוך הוא)
Pricing (includes everything):
• Adults – 330 NIS each
• Children (age 4-13) – 310 NIS each
• Children 3 and under – 50 NIS
For reservations or more information, call אריה זוננברג at 054-499-1733 or
aryehsonnenberg at gmail.com
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