[RBS] murderous sounding prankster on the loose

[RBS] murderous sounding prankster on the loose

yael e yael.elan at gmail.com
Thu Sep 20 10:01:54 IDT 2012

This is just a warning so no one should have to experience what I did yesterday.
Yesterday evening I got a phone call from a chutz la'aretz phone number from a murderous sounding man who said (in hebrew) that my husband was 'mistabech' with him/them and he now has him tied up and has a knife in his hand to kill him. If I will do whatever he says, then my husband will live.
Leaving out the gory details, the end of the story is that it was all a cruel hoax. But I would just like to suggest that if this happens to anyone else you should immediately call the police and report this, since they did say that there have been a number of similar complaints in RBS. Someone who can speak so murderously of knifing someone to death, if left roaming free, may just actually carry that out one day.

Hope no one has this same experience, and may all such offenders be brought to justice...


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