[RBS] Daf Yomi Masechet Shabbos starting in one week!!!

[RBS] Daf Yomi Masechet Shabbos starting in one week!!!

Yossi Klein kleinyossi at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 30 10:03:12 IST 2012

A big Yasher Koach to those who will be finishing Masechet Berachos on the 3rd day of Chol Hamoed (the old-timers and especially the new learners). For everybody else, Masechet Shabbos will be starting a week from today on Friday; it's not too late to start!!!. There are many shiurim given in Hebrew and English in RBS and Givat Sharett at various times of the day.

Please see http://shemesh.co.il/cgi-bin/dafyomi.cgi to find the best Shiur for you. There's also a Daf Yomi calculator on that page - check it out!!!

If you notice any mistakes or know of any additional shiurim, please email me.

Chag Sameach,
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