[RBS] Baruch Dayan Haemet, Detroiter Chana Rochel bas Devorah Shoshana

[RBS] Baruch Dayan Haemet, Detroiter Chana Rochel bas Devorah Shoshana

Leeba Rosenthal hazlucha at bezeqint.net
Wed Apr 3 11:43:39 IDT 2013

I am deeply pained  in announcing the passing of Chani Goldfein nee Cohen ,
the only child of Irwin ("Mr. Tigers") and Devorah (Davida) Cohen of Oak
Park (Michigan).  Thank you to all those who were davening for her.  Please
continue to daven for her grieving  parents, her houseful of children and
her husband that they should find nechama . 


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