[RBS] unsolicited recommendation for American clothing sale

[RBS] unsolicited recommendation for American clothing sale

Mojdeh Sarah Rakhsha rakhsha at actcom.co.il
Mon Apr 22 09:30:54 IDT 2013

 I was at the American clothing sale and there were a lot of fantastic
items. The prices  were very reasonable. There was a large selection of
sizes and styles to choose from. 

If you need something for yourself or your kids, or even a gift, you should
definitely stop by there. There were a lot of people there and things were
selling fast. I bought a great pair of shoes and some other stuff. They have
all the brand names like gap,  landsend, etc .  A ton of really nice
children's clothes . 


The address is nachal el al 8/2, in sun gardens, off of Shimshon.

They are open tonight (mon) from 8-10 pm , or after 3 by appt. Today is the
last day


If you have any questions, call Elkie Walfish 991--5115.


Don't miss it!


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