[RBS] Get fit and toned

[RBS] Get fit and toned

Rivki Averbuch rivkirez at hotmail.com
Sun Dec 8 12:48:23 IST 2013

Trying to reach a goal but can't  get there?! Have you been exercising for a while and your not seeing improvement in the way your cloths fit? need motivation? Don't know where to start? cant get out to a gym or classes since you need your baby to nap in his crib?This is how a personal trainer can help! 
I am a certified personal trainer, working one-on one to help reach your goals!! I have my own equipment that i bring so one can workout in the privacy of their own home. 
Having a trainer really gives you the motivation you need to continue, and provides an individual program to get you to your goal!!! whereever you are in your exercise journey, a trainer maybe just what you need to take it to the next level!
Experienced in working with joint, back, or knee pain.
Nutritional advice to get optimal results from your workout.
Pay per session or get a package.
Rivki Averbuch058 767 5141resident of rbs
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