[RBS] Exc Classes for pregnant women in RBSA

[RBS] Exc Classes for pregnant women in RBSA

avigalbarlevav at ymail.com avigalbarlevav at ymail.com
Sun Jan 6 09:29:53 IST 2013


"Beshaa Tova!"

You're lucky!

This year:

Exercise classes for Pregnant Woman in RBSA

A Pelvic floor Physical thrapist and exercise Instructor, trained in
exercise for pregnant women, AVIGAL BAR LEVAV is giving exercise classes
for pregnant women.

  Suitable for women with or without history of exercising.

only 100 NIS per month

Mondays at 9:30 am

Hayarden 104/3 (corner of Refaim)

For details please call or SMS Avigal at: 054-7472356

  physigalstudio at gmail.com <mailto:physigalstudio at gmail.com>  or email:

Limited space available!))

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