[RBS] Realize your own power! For women and girls

[RBS] Realize your own power! For women and girls

M Arts Academy m.arts.academy at gmail.com
Mon Jan 21 14:59:10 IST 2013

Realize your own power!  Unlock your ability for self control, presence of
mind, focus, concentration...for safety and for life!

New Thursday classes starting February 7!
*Self defense courses
-girls ages 9-11
-teen girls
*Tae Kwon Do-ongoing class for girls and women (from 12 years old)

Our instructor, Julia Ben-Tal, is a second degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do
and certified self defense instructor.  She teaches all over the country
and is a valued instructor working for El Halev, a women's support and
empowerment organization.

Additional offerings at the studio:
**Private and group classes for boys and men in traditional Martial Arts
and self defense with Master instructor, Mordechai Americus.

**Available to rent on a per time, or regular basis-Fully Equipped Martial
Arts Studio-more than 40 meters of professionally designed and equipped
space, including bathroom, waiting area, and filtered water.
-Call for an appointment to see the studio, and reserve your spot!

**Offering classes in women's fitness and exercise and drama for girls with
experienced local talent.

The studio is located in Ramat Beit Shemesh.

For more information contact Marla.
m.arts.academy at gmail.com

Martial Arts Academy
m.arts.academy at gmail.org
077-431-0116 / 052-786-7040
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